After your first, second and other opportunities of noticing people, we often gain impressions of them and wish to meet them. Not all, but many naturally or actually push themselves to approach, greet and start a conversation with you, or you do it with others. It fulfills the desire to know others, and further gains you satisfaction to claim that we know them, and have met them, just by speaking to them!
But some conversations and communications do not last even in the first meeting. And if they did converse well enough the first time, often, when you meet the next time, it may be just a greeting of recognition and a few mumbled words of ‘hi, how do you do’, or ‘nice meeting you.’ The connection does not ignite much further.
So how does a successful connection happen over and over again? How successful are you, in magnetic interactions with others? Many meetings dull and fade out, with lack of further interest in the other.
The magic is by connecting further through your listening skills!
Majority of people have passive listening skills. They hear but do not actually listen. Hearing is just sounds and conversation passing through your ears; And you are instantly ready and intent to speak further or reply. Do note that God gave us two ears to listen but one mouth to speak.
To be magnetic for lasting relationships, one requires ACT-ive listening skills with the intent to understand and be really interested in people. Appreciate them if you gained any knowledge; do repeat amazing and important information, and do ask questions – it’s the proof of being interested in them.
Anyone and everyone appreciates being heard. So don’t be overtly expressive in your own opinions, interests and yourself. Show listening skills by friendly facial expressions and listening sounds of ‘oh’, ‘then’, ‘that’s interesting’ etc. Engage them now and in the next meetings too.
Speaking skills are important – but much more so, are the powers in your listening skills! Engage the other person to speak and be interested – he goes home saying he met a very interesting person!
Maya Daswani is Director and Lead Trainer of PERSONA POWER
Soft Skills & Finishing School Trainings on Personality & Communications Excellence. Meet her at; try the Personality Quiz to empower yourself and subscribe to the Persona Power newsletter